Grafi AI - Company Vision
Meet our Founder and CEO
Sean Sodha
I started Grafi AI because I saw a huge gap in the marketplace for long-form, referenceable, trainable content. The Covid-19 Pandemic turned my attention to the burdens writers were facing to share content at a rapid pace across a wide variety of mediums.
Other AI tools weren’t hitting the mark. In fact, I personally interviewed several in-house and freelance healthcare writers and organizations who shared their struggles with me.
While Grafi AI can be used to help any writer, we have made significant investments in establishing partnerships and agreements with some of the world’s most trusted healthcare database resources: National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus®, and PubMed®. We are working to grow this list everyday.
We heard time and again about the art and science of writing. And we also understood the reluctance of writers to let a computer shoulder some of the burden. But with Grafi AI, they were soon convinced that they maintained the control while partnering with our platform to take the drudgery out of compiling, sorting, structuring, and crafting unique and compelling content.
I hope you find Grafi AI to be intuitive to use. We have spent a great deal of time and energy creating a human-centric tool that allows you to do more in a world where we’re increasingly pressured to survive with less.
Ready to Get Started?
See how Grafi AI can help you increase your output without putting you out.