FAQs about Grafi AI
- Where is my data stored after I upload it? Does my data get shared with someone else's account?
- Grafi AI uses Google Cloud Bucket to securely store and segment each user’s files. Only you will have access to the files you upload.
- How do I know Grafi AI is giving me timely, accurate, and reliable research data?
- When it comes to healthcare, we have made it our priority that writers are working with the latest and most accurate content in the healthcare space by using a continuous process of content curation. If information has been released by MedlinePlus, PubMed or a peer-reviewed medical journal, Grafi AI will use that information to support your content writing needs. Grafi AI not only allows you to control which sources are used, but also provides in-text citations so that you know exactly where the sources are used in your content.
- What types of healthcare content can Grafi AI write?
- Grafi AI can write in a variety of styles for a broad selection of readers. Use Grafi AI to create blogs, articles, thought leadership pieces, caregiver advice, patient newsletters, and patient/provider healthcare collateral. You control the reading level - from middle school to post-graduate, Grafi AI can be used to communicate with anyone.
- Does Grafi AI work on technical healthcare literature?
- Yes, Grafi AI can generate new copy for a wide spectrum of readers, even the most technical.
- How trustworthy is the healthcare data Grafi AI uses?
- Grafi AI relies solely on certified healthcare databases and peer-reviewed content that pertains to your topic. These databases include MedlinePlus, PubMed, and more to come.
- Who owns the copyright to content generated by Grafi AI?
- You do. Grafi AI uses supplemental tools to help writers generate content faster and our built in plagiarism tool, grammar checker, and readability analysis function help you create polished content you can be proud of. No attributions are required.
- How much “tweaking” is necessary to get to a finished product?
- Grafi AI is designed to get you factually accurate content from reliable sources in a tone and reading level that caters to your audience. Once Grafi generates the first draft, you can add in your brand voice, calls to action, and more.
- Is Grafi AI HIPAA Compliant?
- Due to the fact that Grafi AI does not use or store sensitive patient health information, HIPAA compliance is not required. That being said, it is your responsibility to refrain from uploading any sensitive or confidential patient information into the secure servers Grafi AI maintains.